From Crisis to Control: The Truth Behind COVID-19 (Pt.1)
Pandemics, Power-Grabbing, and the Opportunity of a Lifetime
In 2020, we normal folks saw a global tragedy that claimed lives and brought our lives screeching to a halt. But to others, it presented the opportunity of a lifetime. This may sound pretty callous... why would I ever say such a thing?
Well, because it is true.
What other opportunity has there been that would unite world leaders in their quest for power?
When has there been such a scare that would make the populous of many countries bow down in fear and do what they are told by an unelected few?
When has there been such a fast and powerful influx of income to a privileged few while they could actually shut down their competitors?
Never before have “Emergency Powers” have such effects as lock-downs, masks, isolation and experimental vaccines unleashed on the world without proper testing.
This lead not just to a global tragedy, but to untold smaller tragedies as well. A sick elderly parent could not even have a loved one with them as they slowly died in the hospital. Millions were isolated in their rooms in nursing homes. Young children, the most healthy in the society, were told to get an experimental gene therapy. Thousands not only suffered horribly, many died.
I am a student scripture and history, and I have my own thoughts about this horrific takeover. These ideas were not devised in a vacuum, but developed over time researching some of our country’s most courageous medical voices. I’ve distilled these thoughts into a short series of 3 posts. My purpose is to capsulize what I have learned and communicate what you may, (or may not,) want to know about COVID-19 beyond the coverage of the main stream news.
I won’t dance around it, there are some harsh conclusions to be drawn from this data. One of which is that the American Physician community, by and large, acted sheeplike about COVID. Threatened with losing their livelihoods and with censorship, they ditched the Hippocratic oath. Never before have physicians been ordered to avoid off-label, effective drugs. But because of Covid they could lose their license if they used them.
Another harsh conclusion to draw is about us. We, the people, were sheeplike about lockdowns. We followed every directive, our churches and small business bowed down, officials and schools forced mandates. This unbelievable power grab has caused most to acquiesce to their wishes.
In this post, I’m going to point out 8 things to consider about COVID. 8 points to challenge the current narrative and slowly draw back the curtain on who could gain from this horrible conspiracy. My hope is that you would consider each of them before drawing your own conclusions about the true state of affairs.
Consider this: We never had a “pandemic,” just a bad cold/flu virus. COVID deaths were never accurately reported. Car accidents, heart attack and even some murders were listed as COVID deaths. If you want to look at actual numbers, All-Cause Mortality is a much better indicator. By the end of 2020 – the peak pandemic year, those numbers were similar to peaks in the last two decades. And the fact is that 99.85% of infected individuals do recover from getting COVID.
Consider this: Most of the world would be better off if infected with COVID than the regular flu. According to Stanford’s top statistician, MD and epidemiologist Dr John Ioannadis, 40-70% of the global population would do better if infected with SARS-CoV-2 than with the regular flu.
Consider this: There was prior research that masks do not stop viral infections and that Lockdowns and distancing by more than 6 feet did not work. The government promoted it anyway. They allowed for no debate. Over 10,000 physicians protested and signed the Great Barrington Declaration to no avail. As time went on some states, like Florida, stopped the non-sense but other states – Michigan, New York and California continued those practices for months and years. Sweden never locked down, nor mandated vaccines, and yet somehow had less COVID related problems. They were condemned and belittled by the world community. Compare Sweden vs Israel for some fascinating insights.
A sidenote: I am not against masks in general. Masks are a great way to stop bacteria, and there’s a reason surgeons wear them. What I am against is the use of masks as a tool for government control.
Consider this: PCR tests and death counts were fraudulent. Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president of the Pharma giant Pfizer, explains that PCR tests were needed to push the narrative of disease spreading. Even though they were (and are not) accurate for proving COVID infection. False positives were guaranteed. Additional “cases” created fear... and the desired response.
Consider this: Fauci and the CDC did not have the public’s best interest at heart.
The CDC and Fauci Suppressed known Covid Early Treatments from Day One. Early COVID physicians’ office and home treatments are effective, and would have prevented most deaths in the hospital. Physicians who used these proven, safe off-label drugs saw a 99% recovery rate. However, those physicians were threatened to lose their license if they treated patients prior to hospitalization.
Fauci has failed to do his job for the last 40 years, which has been to stop autoimmune and disease disorders. When he started 6% of the American population had a chronic disorder. It now rests at over 54%. Science is manipulated for the profit of big Pharma. (This presentation about the connection of Pharma to the CDC and Fauci by Robert F Kennedy Jr. is worth watching.) Fauci has turned the FDA and CDC into Pharma’s incubator.
Remember Remdesivir? It was a failed EBOLA drug. You can read more in this article about the remdesivir scam. It was the recommended treatment in American hospitals for COVID. Fauci is a part of the patent, and fast tracked its approval. He said there were two successful studies...He lied. And he did it for power and profit.
Consider this: There is a Global Plan to Reset how government and elites control society. COVID fearmongering was a part of a plan to make certain businesses prosper, and to shut down small businesses. A Governmental power-grab was allowed by citizens, schools, churches, and leaders who would not go against the status-quo. And this is STILL relevant even today, because politicians and powerful people do not easily give back the power they have allocated. (For more details I recommend the documentary The Plandemic, the book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey by Dr Peter Breggin MD, and a lecture at Hillsdale College: What is the Great Reset – And how it will affect America.)
Consider this: The COVID narrative is tightly controlled by interested parties. These parties are falsely promoted as the Trusted News Initiative– “to protect audiences and users from disinformation.” The partners are BBC, Facebook, Google/Youtube, Twitter, Microsoft, Reuters, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, The Hindu, and CBC-Canada. They have been systematically silencing voices in order to “rapidly identify and stop the spread of harmful Coronavirus disinformation.” This effectively cancelled all physicians and others from scientific discussion. It was truly a totalitarian move. (I recommend watching the video Puppet Masters for an excellent overview of this.)
Consider this: Liberty is being lost. Dr. Joseph Boot has eloquently stated that we “are to have answers to a radically secularized and statist culture (which is) now flirting with totalitarian notions and utopian ambitions.”
When you consider the opportunity of authoritarians to use the pandemic as a tool to exert control over the populace, you can understand the depths to which the trust of the people has been betrayed. And that brings us to the primary tool of that control… the vaccines. We’ll talk about those in Part 2 of this series.
The Medical Maverick